Customized Lawn Care Plans for Your Landscape in the Wellesley and Weston, MA Areas

Customized Lawn Care Plans for Your Landscape in the Wellesley and Weston, MA Areas

The proper lawn care plan for your Wellesley and Weston, MA area landscape can ensure that your lawn remains looking its best throughout the year. Professional lawn care crews can customize a plan in order to keep your grass, trees, and shrubs healthy and thriving. Here is what could be included in your custom plan and how it will benefit your landscape.

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Routine Maintenance

Attentive, ongoing care is going to play a large role in the overall health and appearance of your lawn and landscape. This includes a schedule that is tailored to your specific lawn and its needs. Routine mowing is just the beginning of a regular maintenance plan, and it can also include a fertilization and weed killer schedule.

Regular mowing will keep your lawn looking well maintained, but a consistent schedule of fertilizer and weed control applications will ensure that your grass remains healthy and free of disease and pests. Your lawn needs the added nutrients in fertilizer, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Having a healthy root system will allow your grass to fight off fungus and disease more easily. If you notice weeds continuing to appear throughout your lawn and landscape, then you might need the addition of weed control applications.

Pre-emergent weed applications are designed to help prevent weeds such as crabgrass from appearing in the first place. However, sometimes weeds can not be entirely prevented and you may be in need of a post-emergent weed killer, which will eliminate weeds once they have popped up. Each lawn has different needs when it comes to weed killer and fertilizer applications, so it is important to have the help of lawn care experts to create the ideal customized plan that will help your landscape look better than ever.

Specialized Treatments

There are times where routine maintenance may not be enough and your lawn may be in need of a more specialized treatment.

If you are noticing brown patches on your lawn and that your soil is hard, it may be time to consider aeration. When the soil is too hard, nutrients such as water, oxygen, and fertilizer cannot reach the root system. Aeration is the process of removing plugs of soil and grass by means of a special piece of equipment.

Once these plugs are removed and the soil is softened, an application of fertilizer can be beneficial to provide your lawn with the nutrients it has been missing.

In instances where aeration may not be enough, your lawn care experts may recommend lawn renovation. This could include re-seeding of your lawn or the addition of compost to the soil to ensure that your lawn is healthy enough to continue to grow and thrive through all seasons.

Seasonal Clean-Ups

When the seasons change, you may begin to notice debris such as leaves and branches that accumulate on your property. Fall is a beautiful season, but it can lead to messes as the leaves fall to the ground once the colder winter months arrive. When the warmer spring months arrive, you are likely ready for the beautiful, vibrant colors, but it may be time for a clean-up of debris that compiled through the winter months. Having a lawn care program that includes seasonal clean-ups will ensure that your property is attractive and ready for the next season.

Related: Lawn Care Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All: Hire the Pros for Expert Care in the Newton and Wayland, MA Areas

About the Author

As a fourth-generation landscape and building construction professional, Peter Indresano grew up working for his father’s construction business. At just 14 years old, he worked 50 hours per week in the summers, which helped him develop his strong work ethic and uncompromising belief that a clean job is a happy job.


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